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Using Social Media for Your Small Business

Social media can be an effective way for your small business to get more customers, grow a following, and enhance a brand image. What most businesses seem to be lacking, however, is a clear social media marketing strategy that can be successfully implemented and measured. Developing a social media strategy doesn’t have to be tricky, so here are few approaches that any small business can use to get the most out of social media.

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1) Announce Your Presence With a New Profile and Lots of Quality Content

The first step towards utilizing social media is to have a noticeable presence across platforms relevant to your business. These platforms can include Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, and many others. To get started, you should create a compelling profile with lots of fresh and high-quality content that your users will be driven to read and share across the web. Having a strong social media profile will also make you appear more credible. In today’s world, not having a social media presence can make people question the legitimacy of your business.

2) Know Your Customers and Develop a Niche Voice

To distinguish yourself from the competition, it’s imperative to have a niche voice to communicate with your followers in a way they will appreciate and understand. To do this, you must first understand who your target customers are and develop a message that resonates with them. To be effective, you will have to do some research first. Understanding what motivates potential customers will help you craft the right message for your business.


3) Don't Post Too Frequently

Remember, it’s not the quantity of social media posts, but the quality that matters. It’s better to make one post that will be shared and liked by many than to make one hundred posts that receive little to no engagement. With too many posts you will become a nuisance and come off as desperate for attention. The last thing you want to do is drive customers away through annoying and spammy content.